Subject Evaluation Survey

This survey is designed to improve the teaching and learning within the subjects you study at Amity College.

Please submit your genuine input for each subject you studied this year.

Your entries will remain anonymous. Inconsistent or inappropriate entries will be deleted.

Subject code will be provided by your teacher.
Your Campus*
Your Year Level*

Section 1: Self Commitment

Q1: I enjoy being in this class*
Q2: I try my best to do well in this subject*
Q3: I am able to concentrate in class.*
Q4: I am able to understand most of the concepts taught in class.*
Q5: I am motivated to do my best in this class.*

Section 2: Teaching and Learning

Q1: I find the content in this subject explained clearly.*
Q2: My understanding is regularly checked in this class*
Q3: My teacher is well organised.*
Q4: My teacher uses technology effectively to help my learning.*
Q5: My teacher provides useful resources.*
Q6: The amount of homework is reasonable.*
Q7: My teacher is enthusiastic about the subject.*
Q8: My teacher is confident in teaching this subject.*

Section 3: Assessment and Feedback

Q1: Useful feedback on my work is provided.*
Q2: The amount of assessments is reasonable.*
Q3: Assessment tasks reflect the material taught.*
Q4: My assessments are marked in a reasonable time.*
Q5: I believe all effort is made to ensure that marking is fair.*

Section 4: Learning Environment

Q1: All students are treated fairly.*
Q2: I can easily ask questions during class time.*
Q3: I receive enough attention and help when needed.*
Q4: Class participation is encouraged.*
Q5: My teacher has set classroom rules.*
Q6: Students behave well in this class.*

Section 5: